About Faith Missionary Academy
Situated on the edge of the Cumberland Plateau, Faith Missionary Academy is located approximately 50 miles North West of Chattanooga, in the rolling hills of Middle Tennessee. Perfect place for your child because we cover all the basics of K-12th grade academic education. We offer homeschooling for elementary and high school students as well as adults.
A Place for everyone
The Academy operated legally under Tennessee State Law: TCA 49-50-801 regarding Church Related Christian Private Schools, or what is called Category IV Schools. Faith Missionary Academy is a member school of the Tennessee Association of Nonpublic Academic Schools (TANAS), which is named specifically in the above-mentioned law. We offer many educational options.
Faith Missionary Academy
Faith Missionary Academy has been evaluated by the four branches of the U.S. Military. Based on student and officer testimony, tier evaluations, and the military’s requests for transcripts, we’ve had graduates accepted in all branches of the military and the Coast Guard. Students interested in the military are evaluated on a student-by-student basis as we have Campus, Home School, and Adult High School Diploma completion graduates. The College Board, Princeton, New Jersey, lists Faith Missionary Academy’s High School in the National Secondary School List. Our High School Code number for the ACT and SAT purposes is: Code Number: 430834. Many FMA graduates have been accepted in the military, received financial aid, and been accepted for enrollment in Regionally Accredited Colleges, Vocational/Trade and Career Schools; while others have obtained meaningful employment in industry, business, and the professions.

If you have questions; or if we may assist you further, please contact our offices through the above information. Please feel free to copy the information from this page to investigate the acceptance and or reciprocity of our high school diploma programs for adults and transcripts in your particular location and for your desired needs. Thank you.